Part Number Description
STRM5K-LM-EP-10K-TM STRM in a All in One architecture. License to upgrade STRM Log Management to Full STRM with Threat Management with EPS =10000
STRM5K-LM-EP-20K-TM STRM in a All in One architecture. License to upgrade STRM Log Management to Full STRM with Threat Management with EPS =20000
STRMV-AIO-LM-ADD-300E STRM Virtual Machine LM in All in One Architecture. License for adding 300EPS (max three to reach platform max=1000 EPS)
STRMV-LM-EP-ADD-300E STRM Virtual Machine LM license for Distributed EP Deployment. License for adding 300EPS (max three to reach platform max=1000EPS)
STRMV-AIO-ADD-20KF STRM Virtual Machine TM in All in One Architecture. License for adding 20KF (max two to reach platform max=50KF)
STRMV-AIO-ADD-300E STRM Virtual Machine TM in All in One Architecture. License for adding 300EPS (max three to reach platform max=1000 EPS)
STRMV-EP-ADD-300E STRM Virtual Machine TM license for Distributed EP Deployment. License for adding 300EPS (max three to reach platform max=1000EPS)
STRMV-FP-ADD-20KF STRM Virtual Machine TM license for Distributed FP Deployment. License for adding 20KF (max two to reach platform max=50KF)